Designplast these last few years has opted for internationalization with presence at international trade fairs such as Alimentaria, Hispack, Expoquimia… and Medica, which it takes place in Düsseldorf every year. This trade fair has been very important for the company to promote its objective and achieve to make a place in the world of medical technologies at an international level.

Designplast becomes a member of the Health LSR Cluster and BCN Medicare Industrial Hub

Designplast is member of the Health LSR(Liquid Silicone Rubber) group, a consortium of industrial companies (engineers, mould makers, injectors…, that is, all those involved in the process of a product development) in the trans-Pyrenees area, Spain and France. Our role in this consortium is based on parts and injection LSR moulds design. It is important to note that LSR is a material widely used in the medical sector thanks to its unique properties, like biocompatibility, high resistance to compression deformation …

In 2021, Designplast joins the BCN Medicare Industrial Hub, a group of companies specialized in the field of medical technologies. The new Catalan hub is created to meet the market’s need to find comprehensive solutions in the medical sector. Seven multidisciplinary companies in the fields of design, engineering, electronics, plastic injection, and others. They come together to provide comprehensive quality service.

internationalization map

Why do our international clients choose us?

We are a multisectoral company specialised in technical plastics and we are always up to date in design techniques and new materials. In addition, we work closely with the client with the maximum facilities for working together despite the distance.

What institutions guarantee us?

Institutions such as Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona and Acció (Generalitat de Catalunya) trust us to participate in their international actions, in addition to PIMEC (Petita i Mitjana Empresa de Catalunya) of which we are also partners.

How may we help you?

If you need our services or you would just like some information, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service department by telephone or through the application form which you will find in this webpage. Be assured we will immediately get to work to give you the best solutions for your needs.